
Hoop Making

Music Suggestions...

Like a Boss...

I think I'm in Love

So, Supposedly I was in a Rut?

What Happend Yesterday?

Sometimes it's time for a break...

Running....ehhhhh and Other Exercise Frustrations


Some Wise Words....

Hoop Disaster

Of Contact Juggling and Hoops...

About to Loose a Hooping Space...

Some Things About Hooping..

30/30: Taking my Hooping Further?

New Hoop to Pass Hoop Love

We're All Naked Around Here

Hoop Camp Entry...

I Think I Hate the Wind....

Tabata Your Face!

1 Hour Sleep in 48 Hours


Hoop Path 5

Troo Hoop Review!


It Really is All About the Muscle Memory!

Day 6/30

Silk, Hooping and More

Why Am I Hula Hooping?

30/30-Day 5

Yes, You can Hula Hoop!