PlayThink Movement Festival is coming! Yes, I haven't blogged any. If I could blog via my thoughts, I'd be golden. Either way, I am so beyond excited about PlayThink. There is still time for everyone to get a ticket! So, what might Shannon be taking this year?
Classes I am thinking of:
- Poi Stalls
- Poi 101
- Fans: More than Fanning
- Fan: Dance
- Intro to Contact Staff
- Deciding between intermediate fire eating and intermediate contact staff.
- Fire Safety
- Intro to fire eating (I figure the more I can practice doing it, the more comfortable I will be with having flame in my mouth. shudddup)
- Flow Wand
- Whip Crackin'
- Bellydance basics
- Intro to stilts
- Virgin burn for my poi or staff on Saturday
- And maybe others. I haven't decided!
I am also teaching a class. I am teaching Kids Hoop! Based on my experiences with 4-H and YMCA and all that fun stuff. Either way, I am getting so amped for Playthink. I feel like Playthink is my festival home. It's exactly what I want in a festival for the most part. I love all the other festivals but there is something magical about Playthink. Maybe it's because I feel like Paige will listen to input from everyone. It's a magical experience.
So now that I am getting used to the festival thing, what would I pack? I am forever an overpacker. If you've never been to a fest, this might give you a few things to help facilitate your packing.
Here's my list of things:
Here's my list of things:
- Pants (1-2 pair. It gets cold at night)
- Shorts/capris (enough for most days)
- Underwears/bras/socks/whatever
- PJs and warm winter socks for night/layers again
- ear muffs (my short hair makes my ears get cold at night)
- Maybe a hat to sleep in
- Jacket/rain jacket
- Costume clothes
- Shoes (variety. I like rainboots for dewy mornings or rain)
Home Away from Home Things:
- Tent
- Sleeping bag is a MUST. I have avoided sleeping bags for years but let me tell you, it makes a difference.
- Extra blanket
- Sunshade thing if you have one.
- Camping chair
- Camping table
- Foods
- Canteens/water bottles (I really love the gallon jugs from lipton)
- Energy giving stuffs (I like monster rehabs and vitamin waters with electrolytes)
Other stuffs:
- Sunscreen
- Bugspray
- Trash Bags
- hat/visor
- Camp stove/cooking utensils/eating utensils
- Camp soap/paper towels
- Toilet paper/campers toilet paper
- Shower supplies/toiletries/stuff like that
- portable toilet seat covers
- GoGirl (portable female urination device)
- Glow Sticks
- Pen/paper
- Lighter
- Baby wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Batteries/Camera/Camera card
- Watch
- An extra class schedule/map
Prop fun!
- Hoops
- LED hoop
- Charger or extra batteries
- Fire Hoop
- Fire hoop tools (quick wicks)
- Day hoop
- Minis
- Maybe other hoops?
- Poi
- Fire Poi
- Day poi/sock poi
- LED poi (I LOVE SpinBalls. SO soft and so cheap)
- Fans
- Flow wand
- Long string flow wand
- Short string fire flow wand
- Short string LED flow wand
- Charger
- Belly dance belt/veils
- Flags
- Contact staff
- Practice staff
- Fire contact staff
- Yoga mat/blanket and whatever yogis need
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